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Travelling Together (T2)

You are invited to join us in the continuing adventure of exploring faith in Jesus together.

Starting in the week commencing 1st June, we’ll have small groups (from 2 to 4 people) meeting each week to explore faith from a variety of starting points [1]. These T2 groups will meet online via “Zoom”, and involve committing for a defined number of weeks [2]. They’ll be centred around a mutual sharing and exploring of faith, enabling honest questions and conversation, supporting and praying for each other, and providing gentle encouragement in our respective journeys of faith.

Staring points initially are …..

  • Creative
  • Bible Study
  • Discipleship
  • Training

The invitation is to sign up for one of these, and at the end you might decide to continue with another study along similar lines, or to join another of the groups above, or repeat the study with a fresh group of people, or just take a break … your call !

Baselines – each participant and group signs up to the following:-

  • An initial session where you meet the others in your group, and get a feel for the dynamics and whether you want to commit to the full course together.
  • An understanding that the group is about mutual support and encouragement in our learning together – this means respectful listening (especially if you disagree !), maintaining confidentiality within the group[3], and ongoing prayer for each other.
  • A subscription for each course, because we tend to value things that we pay for, and the resources cost money (initially this will be £10 per course, to include source books/materials[4]).
  • Completion of an evaluation form at the end of the course so we can improve.

Dates – aside from aiming to start from w/c 1st June, these are open. With just a few people in each group, I’m confident we can find an hour (max 90 mins) that we can all do each week. As a guide, the programmes should each take about 10 weeks – though each group can modify the speed/duration to whatever works for them.

Contact Roger (rogert@gcc-pottersbar.org.uk) if you’re interested, and let him know which topic(s) interest you.

[1] These are in addition to our regular weekday “Coffee & Prayer” gatherings, and our Sunday services, although there is no expectation that you attend these as well.

[2] This commitment is a statement of intent – obviously health, family, or other issues may cause sessions to be missed.

[3] This is with the usual caveat that if anything heard might lead to people being hurt in some way, then we must share it – initially with the Minister (Roger) or the Safeguarding Deacon (Tina)

[4] This can be waived in cases of need or difficulty – talk to Roger

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It's Sunday 17th November 2024:
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